Saturday, 25 February 2012

Online Shopping..

Atisha Vintage Accessories & Shop

Jika sesiapa yang ber minat sila ke link Facebook mereka..
p/s : bukan kmk yg jual smua bnda kmk mok ktk org beli..hehe..
kmk nangga brg nak djual pun bgus2..antik2..cantekk2 smua..

Luahan Hati..

Lama juak sik update blog tox..rsa miz juak ngan blog n fb..fb pn lma juak kmk x update status..bla lh list fren fn kmk ya mok sampey 2000??kmk rsa x lma gik kot..ahakk..mok kongsi cerita ngan ktk org..kmk hairan knak lh ny x msj ngan kmk??bukan mksud kmk rindu tp rsa mcm pelik..slalu ny mun ujung minggu mcm tox ada ja tepon ujung minggu tox tpon kmk sunyi sepi best juak mun ny x da msj..mun ny ada..huh!!msti huru hara kmk hentam ny..adik ny ada msj kmk hari kmk mok rply sbb kmk tahu ny suruh adik ny msj ngan kmk..bla lh kmk mok pts ngan ny ya??rsa mok single single,hidup bebas..

# J A N G A N  P E R N A H  B E R U B A H #

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Artis Korea..

Kmk minat Lee Sang Woo..sbab mun ny blakon ny pandey mnghayati ssuatu watak..Ylh istimewa ny Lee Sang Woo..Mun ktk org pompuan nangga pic ny tntu hati cda cair..Bkn stkt ny pandey blakon,ny juak ada paras rupa nak baik..Ny nmpak ja cam org serius tp ny baik hati..

Kmk minat Lee Sang Woo sjak kmk nangga drama korea kat One HD..Tjuk drama ya THE FIRST WIVES CLUB..Dlm cta tox ny ngembak watak sbg Pengarah kat sbuah syarikat..Ny juak ada nyimpan prasaan kat seorg perempuan..Perempuan ya dlok ialah isteri kpd En.Han..Perempuan ya ada seorg ank lelaki..Tp perempuan ya lari dr rmh dsbabkn En.Han curang..Pas ya perempuan ya kja kat butik Pengarah Khoo tox..Kat butik ya lh cinta Pengarah Khoo ngan Cik Hwa Shin ya mula mekar..Mok tauk lbih lnjut cta tox?.Saksikan lh drama THE FIRST WIVES CLUB-Astro Beyond_Channel 393(One HD)_Isnin-Jumaat_Pkl 7:30mlm

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Natural Is My Beauty..

New image of me. .
From Album # -Bieybie- #

Nama Penuh : Claudia Mullen
Umur : 16 Tahun
Tarikh Lahir : 09 Oct 1996
Horoskop : Libra
Berasal : Sri Aman,Sarawak
Bangsa : Bidayuh/Iban
Agama : Kristian

Friday, 17 February 2012

Kenangan Terindah..

Kmk mok kongsikan pglmn tme "Program Professional Muda". .
Lokasi-IPD Sri Aman,Balai Bomba Sri Aman. .

IPD Sri Aman. .
Wlaupun kmk owg mlwt sekitar Sri Aman jak,tp ilmu  nak kmk owg dpt ya byk. .Wktu kmk owg kat IPD Sri Aman tox,kmk owg diiringi Sarjan Hassan. .Kat ctok,kmk owg byk bljr tentang kes2 jenayah berat ngn kes2 jenayah ringan,senjata2 nak dgunakn oleh polis,kelulusan jdi polis ngn byk gik lh nak tentang polis2 tox. .lpas ceramah kat bilik narkotik,kmk owg rehat sebentar. .kmk owg dberi mknan ngn minuman. .slesai brehat,kmk owg dmbak mlwt satu kwsn IPD. .Ada tmpt2 khas mcm kaunter pertanyaan trafik,pusat kawalan,lokap n byk gik lh. .slesai jak kmk owg melawat..kmk owg balit gik kat narkotik utk sesi gilak lh kat ctok. .tringat ngn kwn2. .

Balai Bomba,Sri Aman

Kat Balai Bomba tox pn best juak. .Kmk owg dpt bljar byk bnda kat ctok..Kmk owg dpt naik lori bomba,migang pili air bomba,makey bju bomba n byk gik lh. .Nak pling best ny ialah dpt bgurau ngan kwn2..Kbykkn pljr nak ngan mlwt ke Balai Bomba tox ialah pljr tingkatan 3 Zuhal. .Klas kmk owg lh ya. .Ahaha. .Tp smua kngn2 terindah tox akn kmk simpan utk slma-lmanya. .Sbnarnya bkn 2 tmpt tox jak. .Ada 2 tmpt gik..Hurmm..Mun x silap kmk tmpt ya Hospital Sri Aman ngn Sesco. .Tp kmk x tplih pegi 2 tempat ya. .Sedih rsa mun x dpt pegi. .ehehe!!

# Kmk arap pljr2 nak ngan mlwt kat 4 buah tmpt tox dpt simpan kngn tox utk slma-lmnya..Chill #

- K E N A N G A N  T E R I N D A H -

Mizz Nina ft Flo Rida - Take Over(lyrics)

Kmk minat lgu tox erh..ahak..Mizz Nina nang pandey ngmbak lgu Inggeris..Chayork2 lh..

My 2012 Horoscope..

_$$$$$$$$$$$$__$$$$§§ (¯`v´¯)$ 
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (¯`(♥)´¯)$ 
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (_.^._)$$
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (¯`v´¯)$$$$$ 
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (¯`(♥)´¯)$$$
___$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (_.^._)$$
______$$$$$$ (¯`v´¯)$$$$$
________$$$ (¯`(♥)´¯)$$
___________$ (_.^._)$


You will be going through some dynamic personal changes right now, and your loved ones and relatives, especially siblings, will want to talk with you about the personal growth spurt that you have been through. Share as freely as you can - you may teach them something important. 

Love- This year Love Horoscope 2012 indicates an intimate relationship with someone special. It all happens unexpectedly and sometimes can get entangled too. There are chances that you may end up double dating which can cause you to be caught red handed one day. You are bewitched by the beauty but at the same time, your heart knows that deceiving is not a good habit. Friends are your support system but you tend to cheat on them too. Self introspection is indicated in the charts of Love Horoscope 2012. Nuptial knots will happen for many while those who were dating may become single again. Love Horoscope 2012 forecasts that you may end up in unhealthy living styles to move away from the moment of being single again. 
Job-The Job Horoscope 2012 says that compared to the last year, this year for Librans will be easier and you will be able to produce better results effortlessly. There will be no undue pressure to deliver result or to work hard to please your superiors. For the first half of the year, you might feel as if everything is very slow. This slackened pace of the year will make you feel as if nothing is moving fast.
The Horoscope 2012 for Job advises you not to be dejected and work as usual. Your dedication towards work will be rewarded in the second half of the year when things gather pace and will move at a fast pace. Librans as a rule hate monotony and following the usual routine but the year will prove to be beneficial for them.
This is because the second half of the year will present opportunities which may fuel your entrepreneurial mind to complete the project with innovative thinking. At the same time, do not get over excited and work around the clock. According to Job Horoscope 2012, you may be prone to fatigue and may get tired easily. By the mid of 2012, you may get good news of promotion. The entire workplace will respect you for the kind of work that you do, irrespective of their age, class or seniority. In short, the year 2012 will be fruitful to you.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Kisah Dongeng..

Kisah Dongeng-Kwn bkn ny seowg tetapi ada beribu..Mun ny x maok bkwn ngan kmk gik,pdh jak lh..x lh kmk ambik hati gilak..Mak ny mdh kmk tox akn mlupakn ank ny n x maok kwn ngan ank ny sbb dh x sma kelas g tp ank ny mpun molah sikap mcm owg BODOH SOMBONG..dh lh bodoh,sombong gik ya..Ny x tauk,kmk tu lh pling bgus ngan ny x mnghargai pn..mlah ny mencaci kmk..kwn apa mun mcm ya..

Kmk rela gik bkwn ngan teddy bear..Wlaupun teddy bear x pndey bckap,tp kmk tauk ny boleh faham apa nak dpdh kmk ngn ny..Biarpun owg sekeliling mdh kmk gila tp kenyataan ny kmk x gila..x semestiny owg gila ja molah bnda mcm ya..benar x??Tp kmk x lh sdih gilak sbb xda owg mok mnghargai kmk sbg shbt..Kta hdup d dunia mstilh happy..x mok sedih2..

# A L W A Y S  B E  Y O U R S E L F #

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Only Love..

______________________`()()' [♥] '
______________________`(ړײ)< ,,,

The most memorable people in life will be the ones who loved you when you weren't very lovable. *Unknown**

True Love..

Kmk td ada dngar cerita dri kwn kmk..Adalh seowg lelaki tox..ny mok nymbut Valentine's Day dngn kapel ny..Lelaki ya mok beri kapel ny bracelet ngan cincin..Malang ny,kapel ny nolak pemberian ny..Tentu hati lelaki ya kcwa kn??Yg pelik nyer..lelaki ya still mncintai kapel ny wlaupn kapel ny curang..

Erti Persahabatan..


Cerita kmk hari tox ialah pasal persahabatan..Hari kekasih pn dh lepas,x pyh lh kita kenang agik..Kmk mok nnya ktk owg..Giney mun kwn ktk owg x prnah mnghargai jasa ktk pd ny??Tentu ktk owg marah nak??Cam ya lh rsa kmk..Kmk x sngka2..Kwn nak prnah kmk tolong pd setiap wktu ksusahan ny mlupakn kmk gara2 ny mnyebelahi AWEK drimpun..Pas ny pts ngan AWEK KESAYANGAN ny ya,ny alu lh sedar mok mintak maaf kat kmk...Kmk bknnya owg nak mudah mmaafkn kslhn owg lain..Mun tme bmsj bkn main g mdh "Jgn x tegur mun tme betemu"..jgnkn tegur,senyum pn x prnah ny beri..Kmk dh tetap ngan pendirian kmk!!Kmk x akn anggap ny SAHABAT kmk agik..Kmk akn anggap ny musuh seumur hidup kmk..Padan ngan muka ny sbb tiap2 hari dngar sindiran dri kmk..Sa ny sedar kslhn dri sia..Kmk bkn lh mok jae gilak..Tp kmk mok beri ksedaran dlm dri ny mpun..Sa lain kali ny x molah owg lain mcm ya..

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

14 Feb 2012_special day..

Hari nak paling mlang bg kmk..x da guna skali ada kwn..ada kwn pn mnyakitkn hati kmk ja..rsa sedih bla dpinggirkn oleh kwn2..ptutlh kmk byk kwn ngn mbiak lelaki..sbb lelaki lbih sporting drpd kmk syg smua kwn2 kmk wlaupn cdak molah kmk mcm ya..

0700 mlm : mkn2 ngan family kat KFC..smbut valentine's day bh..haha..kmk btmu ngn kwn lmak!sbb ny msih knal kmk..ny pn clebrate valentine's day ngn family kat KFC..

# S A H A B A T  D U N I A  A K H I R A T #

Monday, 13 February 2012

Semua Tentang Kita Lirik

# Semua tentang kita-Peterpan #

Lagu tox mgingatkn kmk ngan seowg lelaki..lelaki nak setia menunggu kmk dh ada kapel lain..kmk pn x prnah dngar owg nak setia berabad lma..ny snggup nunggu..kmk x prnah mnylhkn ny..wlaupun ny prnah molah kesilapan nak mmberi kesan dlm hdup kmk sekarang sisa cinta kmk duak still lekat dlm hati tox..kngn2 terindah still lekat dlm otak..semua ny tentang kmk duak..lagu 'ATI RUGANG' tox lh lgu favourite kmk duak..sblum tdur ny msti blgu lgu tox kat kmk dsertai dgn 'I LOVE YOU,SYG..MMUUAAHH..go.Odnight' kmk duak pts pn x sbb nak kukuh lngsng..ny ngemba so kmk xleh nak mnghalang ny..xda sbb lngsng kmk mok mnghlng ny..ada rsa hati mok return balit ngn ny tp trlmbt sbb kmk dh ada kapel lain..thn 2012 tox kmk skelas ngn ny..sedih gilak hati tox bila nngga muka ny tiap2 hari..kmk x dpt trima knyataan yg ny tox skelas ngn kmk..suatu hari klak kmk mok mdh ngn ny yg kmk still mncintai ny..kmk still syg ny..blatar blkngkn lgu 'SEMUA TENTANG KITA'..

# aku dduk di luar rmh smbil mmanggil angin bayu supaya mnghampiri aku,aku memesan kpd ny "sampaikn slm ku kpd dia,dn ktakn lh bhwa aku dsini merindui ny"..apabila angin bayu mnyentuh bahu mu..itu tnda angin bayu ingin mnyampaikn pesanan ku itu.. #

# L O V E i s C I N T A #

Before Valentine..

Esok mok valentine tp x tauk mok celebrate ngn cpa??myb ngn friend2 ja lh..wlpn si dia jauh d mata n xpat dcontact..Jelez juak lh nngga gerai2 sblah jln nak jual hdiah2 valentine's day,rsa mok beli something tp x tauk mok beri cpa??kat facebook,byk da friend2 cerita psl Valentine's day..

# k u  m e r i n d u i  m u #

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Hailey Robson - Ati Rugang

Mengimbau kngn silam..lgu tox nang popular msa kmk ngn ex boyfriend kmk dlok..ny slalu blgu lgu tox..miss lh ngan suara ny..kmk duak sklas tp x btgur spa..dlm ati msih ada gik sisa cinta nak dlok..:')

# s e m u a t e n t a n g k i t a-P e t e r p a n #

# valentine's day #

-kmk rsa mcm mok hidup single bh hdup single..xda owg mok kongkong,,hdup byk juak owg mdh hdup single tox bg kmk ia ny best..kmk still ada byk friend nak slalu mnghiburkn hati..errmm(=.=") ...
kmk akn psang lgu I Will Always Love You sbab hari Valentine's Day mok dkat..msti byk gerai2 tgh jln dbuka sbab mok jual present valentine's day..rsa hati mok beli tp x tauk mok beri spa??hurmmm..syok sendiri jak lh..ahakk-

# |  w | L L  L o v 3  y O u #

Saturday, 11 February 2012


it's not about the one who can make your face smile. It's about the one who makes your heart smile..

# h a r g a i l a h  o r a n g  y g  t e r s a y a n g #

Musix Box

kmk akn change lgu lam musix box ya tiap2 minggu..:)

# r i n d u s e t e n g a h m a t i #

Anyong Aseo Friend..

x pyh lh kmk mmprkenalkn dri..sbb tox blog ke 3 kmk..maok molah blog tox bkn ny sng..mnyakitkn hati mek gunakn blog tox tmpt pakey mluahkn prasaan..aiseh..lain mcm jax bunyi..ahahak..mun ada msa kmk mox update,kmk update keyh..mun x da msa tauk2 ja lh..bsusah pyh kmk hias blog x lh kcak gilax mcm blog2 owg lain..jnji simple n ada space utk mnaip..hehehe :)